THE MINIMALLY INVASIVE way to treat flat feet
children | teens | adults
TREATMENT for knee, hip & back PAIN
At Next Step Foot & Ankle Clinic, Dr. Darren Silvester is proud to offer several state-of-the-art foot and ankle treatments for his patients.
One of these is a minimally invasive surgery called HyProCure, and if you have foot pain from fallen arches or flat feet, it could be your best chance to eliminate the pain without requiring an invasive, traditional surgery.
Every day in our office, we hear stories from people dealing with some kind of painful foot condition—heel pain, tendonitis, bunions, etc. What most people don’t know is that these are often secondary issues—symptoms rather than causes. The real culprit is feet that are flat or misaligned and cannot distribute forces in a normal, healthy way. Treating the secondary problem alone is kind of like re-inflating a tire without fixing the leak—you might get some temporarily relief, but the core issue remains.
What do we mean by “misaligned”? In many cases, that means that the ankle joint has “slipped” a bit out of place relative to the heel bone. It doesn’t take much of a slip before you may start noticing big problems, and a misaligned foot can throw your entire body out of balance, causing not only foot pain but discomfort throughout your body, including knees, hips, and back.
If you’re suffering from any kind of foot pain, especially if you’ve noticed flattening in your arches over time, you may be a candidate for this procedure. We are excited to offer this advanced procedure, and we’re proud to be one of only around 20 places in the country certified as a HyProCure Center of Excellence.
Take the next step toward happy feet and contact us today!
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The minimally invasive way to treat flat feet!

How Can HyProCure Help Me?
The HyProCure procedure can dramatically reduce and even eliminate your pain, while improving your quality of life.
Following the HyProCure procedure:
- You should be able to gently step on your foot
- Swelling or bruising is common for the first several days
- There is a temporary period of abnormal walking until your foot adapts to it’s corrected position
- After the first year, your body has typically fully adapted
Take our quick quiz to see if your child might have flat feet:
Does my child have flat feet?
Flat feet can be a major problem for kids. Many people (some doctors included) think it is just something you have to live with. This is not the case.
So if you think your child is struggling with flat feet give us a call and let us discuss which options might be best for you and your child.
Dr. Silvester talks about flat feet in children and why we are the best choice to treat your children’s flat feet and help give them the active life, pain-free, they deserve!
Children with Flat/Misaligned Feet
cautionary signs to look for:
Some children may not be able to verbalize the symptoms they are experiencing, but parents can still spot signs of a problem with their child’s feet.
Check to see if your child exhibits any of the following behaviors (signs):
Always wanting to be held
Your child wants to be held and carried longer/more often than other children, especially when walking.
Avoiding physical activities
Your child avoids/resists normal physical activities, runs significantly slower and/or is less coordinated than other children.
Shoelaces always coming untied
Your child shoelaces come untied more than normal due to the foot rolling inward at the ankle.
Growing pains & pain in their legs
Your child experiences growing pains at bedtime and/or wakes up shortly after falling asleep from pain in their legs.
Unusually over-weight
Your child is unusually over-weight, typically due to a lack in activity level.
Collapsed arches or "too many toes syndrome"
Your child has collapsed arches, or "too many toes syndrome".
Patient Success Story
In this video, a young patient and mom share their success story with our minimally invasive procedure to fix flat/misaligned feet with HyProCure.
Want to know more? Click the chat button at the bottom right of your screen to chat with a NSFAC staff member today, or click the prompts below.
At Next Step Foot & Ankle Clinic we are proud to announce that we are now a certified HyProCure Center of Excellence.
The HyProCure Treatment helps patients with a variety of conditions caused by poorly aligned feet.
If you have pain in your feet, ankles, hips, back, or knees, schedule an appointment with Dr. Darren Silvester today!
Fill out our quick Appointment Request.
What Our Patients
Say About Us
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Take the next step
to happy feet!
Click the links to request your appointment or learn more about what Next Step Foot & Ankle Clinic can do for you.
- Is HyProCure covered by my insurance?
- Is there drilling or screwing involved in the HyProCure procedure?
- Are there any limitations, as far as sports goes, after the procedure?
- Can I still get MRIs, CT Scans, etc. with HyProCure in my foot?
- If HyProCure is performed on a child, does it have to be replaced later in life?
- Will there be a visible scar after the HyProCure procedure?
- Will I feel the HyProCure implant in my foot?
Published Studies on HyProCure
- Summary of Key Findings from published research
- Extraosseous Talotarsal Stabilization Using HyProCure: Preliminary Clinical Outcomes of a Prospective Case Series
- Surgical Treatment of Hyperpronation Using an Extra-Osseous TaloTarsal Stabilization Device: Radiographic Outcomes in Adult Patients
- Extraosseous Talotarsal Stabilization Using HyProCure in Adults: A 5-year Retrospective Follow-up
Is HyProCure right for you?
If you’re suffering from any kind of foot pain, especially if you’ve noticed flattening in your arches over time, you may be a candidate for this procedure. We are excited to offer this advanced procedure, and we’re proud to be one of only around 20 places in the country certified as a HyProCure Center of Excellence. To schedule an appointment, contact us online, or dial (210) 375-3318 today.