Why Consider the Next Step Foot and Ankle Clinic If You Have Gout.


The Right Diagnosis:

Frequently patients have been diagnosed with gout years ago and the presence or absence of gout has not been verified for some time.  Every ache and pain in the foot is not gout. But it seems like once someone has given you that diagnosis, everything from that time forward is gout.  Gout can also be present without causing the significant amount of pain. We sort that out. We use blood tests, imaging, careful physical exams, and our knowledge of other conditions that can mimic gout to help sort out the problem.



We take the time to explain what gout is and how come you have it.  When you leave our clinic, you understand what’s going on with this disease.  Also you get information about how you can control your attacks. He will also have access to all of your labs, electronic or paper,  so you can share this information with other doctors or family.


Aggressive treatment if you have gout:

If you have gout, in general we can heavy feeling better in just a couple of days.  Additionally we can provide some suggestions with shoe gear to take stress off joints that are suffering from gout.  In most cases, people who have an acute gout attack are largely asymptomatic in just 2 days with our treatments.


Management of the cause of gout:

Besides getting you over the acute attack, we start you on the path to addressing the cause of gout by prescribing medication to lower your uric acid.  This is generally coordinated with your primary care doctor. Once you have been on the medication, labs may need to be repeated to verify that you are in the target therapeutic range.


The Silent Killer:

Sometimes, there is a form of subclinical gout or you don’t have attacks but your joints have crystals.  This is like having sand inside your joint. He may not feel it as a hot swollen joint but the joint surface is slowly being destroyed.  This needs to be managed as well.

So if you suspect you have gout or are having an acute gout attack and want it taken care of right away, cause at The Next Step Foot and Ankle Clinic and let us help you feel better: 210-375-3318.