
Tips to Ease Your Swelling Feet Tips to Ease Your Swelling Feet Feet swell for many different reasons. Although often not serious, frequent swelling is often evidence of an underlying physical or medical condition. These may include pregnancy, injuries, diabetes, infection, venous insufficiency, and side effects from certain medications, among others. Often simply standing or walking for long periods of time is enough.

Obviously, the exact nature and cause of your swollen feet make a difference in terms of what type of treatment, if any, will be most effective. That said, there are some good general-purpose tips to help you when those feet and ankles puff up.

If you spend a lot of time each day in one position (either sitting or standing) or do a lot of walking, make sure you take regular breaks. Elevate. Getting your swelling feet and ankles up above heart level to avoid blood pooling in your lower limbs. Put a couple of pillows under your legs when you go to bed. Sleeping on your left side eliminates pressure on the inferior vena cava as you sleep—this is the vein that takes blood back to the heart from the lower legs. If you’re pregnant, tights or compression stocks can help you manage swelling during the day. Other treatment techniques, such as ice or massage, can also help.

Although the vast majority of foot and ankle swelling cases are not medically serious in and of themselves, they can be a sign of other problems. If you experience swelling frequently, if it’s accompanied by additional symptoms such as chest pain or fever, or if you think you’re at risk for conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, or gout, call Dr. Darren Silvester of Pleasanton, TX and schedule an evaluation. We’ll get to the bottom of your problem and help you find the right solution for your puffy feet and ankles. Dial 830-569-3338 today to set your appointment with Next Step Foot & Ankle Clinic.


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