Down here in Texas, we hear a lot of complaints of sore, flat feet. Most people’s feet flatten as they age, and that can result in pain and discomfort, especially for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.
If you do have painful flat feet, you may have wondered whether an orthotic device may help you relieve your pain. While we can’t say for sure what treatment method will be best for your situation through a blog—we’ll need to actually examine your feet—it is true that custom orthotics are regularly prescribed and often quite helpful for people suffering from flat feet.
That’s because custom orthotics are specially crafted using a mold of your feet and adjusted to fit your desired lifestyle and activities. They’re made just for you, fitting the natural contours of your arch precisely and providing extra support and cushioning exactly where you need it. No matter what the cause or severity of your flat foot deformity, there’s a good chance that custom orthotics will be able to help you.
That said, custom orthotics are only one method that may be considered when treating a case of flat feet. For example, in relatively minor cases of foot pain, much cheaper over-the-counter arch support inserts, available at the pharmacy or convenience store for $50 or less, may be effective enough for your situation.
In other cases, a surgical procedure might give you a better chance at lasting pain relief. One advanced, minimally invasive surgical procedure we perform, called HyProCure, has been particularly effective at dealing with cases of adult-acquired flat feet and falling arches. In this procedure, a titanium stent is placed in your ankle to realign and support the heel. For qualified candidates, it may alleviate the need for an orthotic, or allow a future orthotic to be more effective.
In any case, when your feet start hurting and don’t stop, don’t hesitate to visit Dr. Darren Silvester at Next Step Foot & Ankle Clinic for diagnosis and treatment. Far too many people hobble through years of chronic pain before finally seeing a specialist, only to discover that simple, gentle methods such as orthotics can bring long lasting relief. To schedule an appointment in Pleasanton or Universal City, TX by dialing 830-569-3338, or toll-free at 855-972-9512.