This page hosts a variety of informative articles about common foot and ankle complaints, treatment options, and post-treatment advice. If you are looking for solutions for your pain, or are simply curious about what options are available to you, browse through our collection of commonly asked questions and helpful literature here.

Information on Fungal Toenails From Fungus to Fabulous Brochure

Information on Fungal Toenails HyperBlue1530 FDA Approved Fungal Laser Brochure

Information on Fungal Toenails TheraNail-TF Fact Sheet

Information on Fungal Toenails FungiFoam Brochure

Information on Fungal Toenails Formula 3 Brochure

Information on Fungal Toenails Fungal Skin and Nail Pack

Eliminate foot, toe, or nail fungus quick with the Skin and Nail Pack!

Information on Fungal Toenails Black Toenails

Black toenails look concerning, but they might not be. Dr. Darren Silvester discusses the different causes of black nails and how to treat them.