A Better Way to Treat Neuropathy

Hi, this is Dr. Silvester and I’m excited to be here today because we just finished project here at our clinic that we’re really excited about, it’s our Nerve Book. We have a lot of patients that have Neuropathy and we see out in the world and outside of our practice that a lot of people suffer from Neuropathy that have been told “there is nothing significant that you can do for it.” They give pain medications or Lyrica or Cymbalta, Gabapentin, some kind of medication to try and make the patient feel better while their nerves die. That, in our mind, was totally unsatisfactory for our patients. So we devoted a lot of time, resources, and effort to this in putting together a clinic that can provide significant relief for Neuropathy. As well as we wrote a book to tell people about it.

This new book is called “A Better Way to Treat Neuropathy” because there are some really significant things you can do that are fairly simple, not very expensive. They can be tremendous in helping yourself then there are more involved treatments if you need them. Anyways, the book explains the range of   treatments. It has ideas on supplements and if you look on the website for the National Institute of Health and look up Neuropathy and treatments with supplements, you find that they’re actually in many cases more effective than the traditional prescriptions that are prescribed. We also provide electrical nerve signal therapy. Electrical Nerve Signal Therapy has been a “game changer” for our patients with Neuropathy. It’s not uncommon for us to have patients who can walk very little because of the pain and go to a complete return to normal activity with that treatment. We also have laser therapy. The machine is very expensive but we try to make it very affordable for our patients and so we are much less expensive compared to other places that offer Laser Therapy but it’s been a real “game changer” for our patients with Neuropathy as well.

In some patients they have compression as a component of their Nerve Pain, so I’ve been fortunate enough to be trained in surgery so we can offer that to our patients as well. Quite frankly, this is a global approach to Neuropathy that we can provide here in our clinic. The book gives you an overview of the different treatment options and if you would like a copy of the book, it’s free! We don’t charge you for it, you just give us your address and we’ll send it out to you with no problem. If you want to make an appointment, our number is (210) 375-3318, and that can be a change of life for you! We have had many many patients who have come in for other problems because some other condition is causing them problems, or they come in with their spouse, and when we start talking to them about Neuropathy and suddenly their whole life turns around because they are in a program that really is geared toward healing and getting them better instead of just masking the symptoms until their nerves die. So if you have Neuropathy, I think we’re the place to check out. Just give us a try and you won’t be disappointed. Thanks a lot!