Can Nerve Surgery Help Patients with Neuropathy?

Over the years, there has been a remarkable evolution in how we approach the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. Early in my career, the prevailing belief—taught by my mentors—was that neuropathy was untreatable. Patients were advised to focus on managing the underlying conditions contributing to their symptoms, such as controlling blood sugar in diabetes, getting regular exercise, and using medications to manage pain.

Our Approach to Neuropathy Is Now More Optimistic

Today, more than 20 years later, our understanding and treatment options for neuropathy have advanced significantly. We employ a multifaceted approach that includes nutritional, pharmaceutical, electrical, chemical, and surgical interventions. This article focuses on one promising surgical treatment: nerve decompression surgery for neuropathy.

Understanding Neuropathy and Nerve Compression

Why Nerve Compression Happens

Can Nerve Surgery Help Patients with Neuropathy?

In patients with diabetic neuropathy, research shows that their peripheral nerves are often larger than those in individuals without neuropathy. Ultrasound studies have consistently revealed that the cross-sectional diameter of nerves in neuropathic diabetic patients is 25–50% larger.

When these enlarged nerves pass through restricted areas, they can become compressed, leading to symptoms like numbness, tingling, and pain. This phenomenon is similar to the feeling of waking up with a numb hand after sleeping with your elbow in an awkward position.

It is estimated that 30–60% of diabetic neuropathy patients have a component of peripheral nerve compression contributing to their symptoms.

A Breakthrough in Neuropathy Treatment

In 1992, Dr. A. Lee Dellon introduced a groundbreaking concept in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. He observed that diabetic patients with numbness and tingling in their hands experienced significant improvement after carpal tunnel surgery. This led him to explore whether peripheral nerve compression could also play a role in the feet.

This hypothesis sparked a wave of research, and numerous studies have since confirmed the benefits of nerve decompression surgery for certain neuropathy patients.

Key Research Findings

  • A study in Shanghai involving 560 patients with neuropathy found significant improvement in nerve function after lower extremity nerve decompression surgery.
    • 37% of these patients had foot ulcers at the time of surgery, and all ulcers healed within 18 months post-surgery, likely because patients regained sensation in their feet.
  • A 2013 review of multiple studies revealed that:
    • 91% of patients reported significant pain reduction.
    • 69% experienced improved sensation in their feet.
    • Amputation rates were significantly reduced, as ulcers were prevented (no ulcer = no amputation).

Who Can Benefit From Nerve Decompression Surgery?

Not all patients with diabetic neuropathy have nerve compression, but approximately 30–60% do. These individuals may benefit greatly from nerve decompression surgery. Additionally, patients with other forms of neuropathy may also respond to this treatment if nerve compression is identified as part of their condition.

Potential Benefits of Nerve Decompression Surgery

  • Pain relief
  • Improved balance
  • Reduced risk of ulceration
  • Prevention of amputations
  • Enhanced quality of life

Our Comprehensive Approach to Neuropathy

At our clinic, we use a wide range of treatments for neuropathy, tailoring care to each patient’s unique needs. Nerve decompression surgery is just one tool in our arsenal. We also incorporate:

  • Nutritional support
  • Physical therapy
  • Pharmaceutical treatments
  • Electrical and chemical therapies

By combining these approaches, we aim to provide effective, holistic care. Importantly, we emphasize the need for patients to control underlying conditions, such as maintaining healthy blood sugar levels in diabetes.

There Is Hope for Neuropathy Patients

If you or someone you know is suffering from neuropathy, don’t lose hope. Advances in treatment, including nerve decompression surgery, offer relief for many patients. Contact our Universal City or Pleasanton office today to learn more about your options. Let us help you take the next step toward a better quality of life!